In a few days time Heidi, Bill and I will be heading off on an amazing trip to Antarctica. This trip has been in the planning stages for a couple of years now. Heidi found out that the friend that we travelled in Nepal with - David Sinclair had started up his own company called Islands and Ice Travel. David is also a keen and accomplished photographer, has had extensive experience in taking tours to many interesting and amazing places such as Antarctica. So we are fortunate to be going off on his inaugural trip to Antarctica aboard the Icebreaker 'Polar Pioneer'
Having signed up and paid the deposit for this trip we decided that it would be crazy to head all the way over there without experiencing parts of South America. The next year has been spent researching and booking places that we will be traveling in. Most of this has been done by Heidi our amazing in-house travel consultant. We will also be accompanied by Tejal, who, like us, when she heard about our plans for Antarctica wanted to be included.
I am not sure how much of this blog I will be able to add to on the way but hope to at least be able to maintain a record of each days activities


  1. Have a wonderful trip. Looking forward to living vicariously :)

  2. Congrats on getting your blog up Linda. Please post lots of photos. Cheers,Laurie


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