19 January Adios Antartida

Headed towards Deception Bay in the night with a bit of rock n rolling

Linda felt a bit sick and didn’t go to breakfast. Bill brought tea and toast

Linda went up to Bridge to stare out the front

Others went to breakfast and then went up front to watch the entry through Neptune's Bellows into Deception Bay.

Linda and Heidi put on their Scopolamine Patches in preparation for the Drake Passage.

The ship went across the bay near to the old burnt-out Argentinian base (from an eruption and ash falling). We all alighted and went ashore via Zodiacs. 

Some including Heidi and Tejal headed along the beach for a long walk/climb up a hill. 

Others, including Bill and Linda went for a walk along the beach in the opposite direction. First of all checking out the warmth of the water below the volcanic gravel, having a closer look at the burnt out wrecks of the station, checking out the kelp. Came across a colony of cormorants. Walked a little bit further along the beach as the rain got a bit heavier turned into sleet and it became very windy and hard to walk.

Blustery Pendulum Cove Deception Bay

Heidi and Tejal return to the boat for the last time...

We then returned to the boat to get dried off and to go into the lounge to participate in Dave‘s charity auction, which went extremely well and was a lot of fun.

A noteworthy item was the fabricated tool that fixed the second engine!!

Said tool which was won by Laurence ... wonder if he is going to have to lug it across to the next 4 Oceans!!

This was followed by lunch where we were joined at our table by Martin, Laurence, and Alex


After lunch, we went upstairs to the bridge and outside to watch the passing back out through Neptune's bellows.

We were also able to see the remains of the old Whaling station as we passed through the Bellows.

We then continued on our journey, taking a course outside of the IAATA fence, so that we could increase our speed as there is a speed limit within the range of the fence.

Another Ocrca

Our whole journey was mapped out by the expedition team...

We then continued on our Passage with slight rocking and rolling heading towards Drake's passage.

Met up in the lounge for a recap where Anna’s whale tail photos were used by Cherise to match and log whale sightings. Gustav talked about the scientist from the Argentinian station that was covered in ash from the volcano

At dinner sat with Olga and Vlad ... Icebergs and Penguins ;)

Gathered in the lounge again for fun, frolic, and singing.

Deb and Jane had made up a song which was a story of our trip (Words to follow at the end of this post), dedicated to Dave. Gustav then kept us entertained for quite some time fabulous singing.

We were all on such a high with the singing that we all ended up dancing outside on the aft


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