20 January - The beginning of Drake Passage Part 2

On the move back to Ushuaia now so no more off-the-boat activities 

After breakfast came up to the bridge
Then down in the lounge for the Seabirds of the sky lecture by Martin

Followed by dogs in Antarctica by Mark


Back to the lounge for a History lecture by Gustav

Then the quiz which was 3 lots of 10 Questions, seabirds, history random Antarctica facts where we formed teams - Bill, Linda, Heidi, Tejal and Anna - we called ourselves ANZ and our overall score was the highest so we won a Polar Pioneer Buff each, made by Wear Ocean Waste!

Dinner  - Mark and Wakim joined us Mark talked to us about dog sledges in Canada and also about bears

Up on the bridge after dinner

The ship returned to its original direction as the direction was changed to slow us down for mealtime 

Early bed before it got too bad...


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